It's a depressing statistic, and rarely would you see an American comedy (or any comedy for that matter) incorporate that fact with stupid humor. We were told that because of the pressure parents put on their offspring, if success is not achieved by the sons or daughters through grades, income, or upward mobility, some look to suicide as an outlet.

The last Bollywood film I was fortunate enough to see was 3 Idiots, a film that was not only a very funny comedy but an immensely effective culture experience, shedding light on the high suicide rate in the country's teen population. Films from India seem to always include energetic song and dance rituals, emotional sentimentality, a strong showcase of the country's culture and customs, and explicit emphasis on the importance of family and the bond that only blood can bring. seems to embody every quintessential element to be found in a Bollywood production. Reviewed by StevePulaski 8 / 10 Sometimes fascinating, sometimes tedious

Will the hurt and sorrow that Rahul experienced with his foster parents be erased and enable the family to be reunited, or will Rahul forget about the past, and continue to live his life without getting back to his roots and the family who brought him up, leaving Rohan to return alone?-rAjOo ( ) Yashvardhan, is unable to prevent this, and as a result Rohan does travel to London, meets with Rahul, Anjali, and Pooja. Rohan also misses Rahul a lot, and decides to travel to London in order to try and get Rahul to return home. Rohan, who was studying in a hostel, returns home to find that Rahul is no longer living with them, and he also discovers that while outwardly his dad is not interested in seeing Rahul get back, Nandini wants the family back all together for all happy and sad moments.

A defiant Rahul decides to leave, gets married to Anjali, without his foster parents blessings, and re-locates to London, England, where Anjali's unmarried sister, Pooja, also lives. Yashvardhan decides to meet with the Sharma family, and finds out that they are middle-classed, unsophisticated, and will not be able to it into his family circle, as a result he refuses to permit Rahul to marry Anjali. When Rahul is told about this, he tells them that he loves another woman by the name of Anjali Sharma. When their sons mature, they start to look for suitable brides for Rahul, and decide to get him married to a young woman named Naina.

While Rahul has been adopted, Yashvardhan and Nandini treat him as their own. Yashvardhan Raichand lives a very wealthy lifestyle along with his wife, Nandini, and two sons, Rahul and Rohan.